A deep dive into data sharing

A deep dive into data sharing

In an era where data usage has soared, encompassing everything from personal health records to weather updates, we find ourselves at a crossroads. The benefits of data are undeniable, yet the shadow of “data pollution” looms large, leaving individuals clueless about where their data resides and how it’s wielded.

How to become a tech company

How to become a tech company

Becoming a “tech company” is a certain ambition for many organizations. And although not everyone gets into it, following striking examples within retail, finance, and manufacturing always pays off. But how do you become a tech company?

Robotic process automation en méér

Robotic process automation en méér

Tijdens aflevering 5 van Tech TV komen meerdere aspecten en invalshoeken van RPA aan de orde. Ben van der Burg (Triple) deelt zijn visie. Daarbij zoomen Hylke Sprangers (Erasmus Rotterdam), Danny Kuivenhoven (Teleperformance), Christian Siegers (KPMG) en Jaap-Jan...

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