Emerging Trends & Risks – CISO session

Theater aan de Parade Parade 23, 's-Hertogenbosch

In the cybersecurity landscape, there are always new events looming on the horizon. Justin Broeders, CISO at the Dutch Ministry of Finance and board member of the CISO Platform Nederland, will lead this session on emerging threats and risks. PROGRAM Welcome Plenary program I Break Plenary program II Drinks Justin will provide an overview of […]

Innovation Summit & Dinnershow 2025

Theater aan de Parade Parade 23, 's-Hertogenbosch

Technologisch gedreven innovatie is in het digitale tijdperk niet langer een doel op zichzelf, maar een middel om als individu, organisatie en samenleving vooruit te komen. Als CXO’s geven we meer dan ooit vorm aan de economische en maatschappelijke dynamiek van de toekomst. Tijdens de Innovation Summit & Dinnershow op 15 april 2025 bespreken we […]


NBC Congress Centrum

It’s going to happen again on May 27! CISODAY is the network event for Dutch information security officers in business, government, and everything in between, CISODAY brings together cybersecurity leaders to share ideas, use cases, and best practices in an informal but luxurious setting. As the highlight of the event, we will announce the second-ever CISO of […]

Insights for Tech Leaders 2025

Green Village Nieuwegein Blokhoeve 7, Nieuwegein

In het huidige technologische klimaat, waar aandacht voor thema’s zoals AI, cloud, RPA/EPA, quantum computing en cybersecurity overheerst, is het cruciaal om te onthouden dat achter al deze technologieën mensen staan. Zij zijn degenen die de algoritmen schrijven, de technologie implementeren, en de mogelijkheden voor waardecreatie identificeren. Daarom ligt tijdens dit evenement de nadruk sterk op de mens binnen de steeds slimmer wordende economie en samenleving.

Digital Growth Summit 2025

High Tech Campus Eindhoven High Tech Campus 1, Eindhoven

How to create a results-driven organization, designed for growth by fostering technology innovation? Organizations experience challenges with implementing and managing technology in the context of cyber risks, changing regulatory landscape, and resource and budget constraints. Business Organizations need to build a truly adaptive and high-performance digital organization. Enhancing business models is a prerequisite for digital […]


NBC Congress Centrum

CIODAY is the annual network event for digital decision-makers in business, government, and everything in between. Not necessarily about the latest tech, this event brings together the community of CIOs, CDOs, and CTOs to share ideas, use cases, and best practices in an informal but luxurious setting. And, of course, we’ll announce the CIO of […]