How to create a results-driven organization, designed for growth by fostering technology innovation? Organizations experience challenges with implementing and managing technology in the context of cyber risks, changing regulatory landscape, and resource and budget constraints.
Organizations need to build a truly adaptive and high-performance digital organization. Enhancing business models is a prerequisite for digital growth. In addition, many organizations are re-evaluating their business partnerships and are strengthening and expanding their business ecosystems. What’s fascinating, is the dynamics – any next move of competition will potentially require a strategy overhaul. Furthermore, it is essential to track legislation and geopolitical developments, as well as closely monitor public opinion on topics such as environment and inclusivity.
To power the business, technology innovation needs a boost. Many organizations are too dependent on their incumbents, have limited innovation resources, face technical debt, and are not cyber-resilient. Similar to the business, also technology ecosystems need to expand and mature, as well as internal innovation capabilities, that need to be ramped up. Digital growth can only be achieved through technological innovation.
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Next to opportunities, any organization needs to be conscious of risks and liabilities. This will create many dilemmas. How can organizations be designed and strategies be defined for growth without jeopardizing their existence? Setting the risk appetite is not only important but it also impacts digital growth strategies. Furthermore, organizations need to set priorities to address constraints in innovation resources. Both risk and constraints require proper governance and the right target operating model as well as an organizational model.
In conclusion
Creating a results-driven organization based on technology innovation is far from straightforward. This is why we are hosting the Digital Growth Summit 2024. We focus on three tracks: business, technology, risks, liabilities and constraints. The program is designed to foster discussions and debates and engage in mutual learning.
Network Lunch
12:00 - 13:00
Plenary program
13:00 - 14:45
14:45 - 15:30
Break-out sessions
15:30 - 17:00
17:00 - 18:00
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