Generative AI meets customer engagement (TechTV afl 1)

Generative AI meets customer engagement (TechTV afl 1)

Welke kansen biedt generatieve AI voor onze economie en samenleving? Wat kunnen we ermee in onze organisaties? In Tech TV buigt een diverse mix van tech-leiders en content matter experts zich vanaf nu regelmatig kort, eerlijk en ongescript over actuele onderwerpen. Deze week met Ben van der Burg, Rik de Blaeij, Eric Wesselman, Nick Smaling en Hotze Zijlstra. Presentatie: Rob Beijleveld.

Mel Jacobs (ABN AMRO): ‘The digital subscription economy is all about the experience’

Mel Jacobs (ABN AMRO): ‘The digital subscription economy is all about the experience’

The value of the subscription economy is mainly in the experience. If customers or consumers want to exchange traditional ownership for use-based models, the ease of use simply has to be better than what people were used to. “Only then will people no longer cling to the status and pride that come with possession,” says Mel Jacobs, CIO, Private Bank and Corporate Institutional Banking at ABN AMRO.

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